Do you have to answer the question:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of management and leadership principles, concepts, key terms, functions and theories

for your business or entrepreneurship exam?

This is what you need to talk about…


1. Autocratic Management: This type of management style is focused on the leader making all decisions and expecting compliance and obedience from their employees. This management style is best suited for situations that require quick decisions with little room for input from employees, such as during emergency situations.


2. Laissez-Faire Management: Also known as “hands-off” management, this style gives employees a large amount of freedom to make decisions and complete tasks. This management style is best used when employees are highly experienced and require minimal supervision.


3. Participative Management: This type of management style encourages collaboration and input from employees. This style is best used in situations where there is a need for creativity and innovation or when making complex decisions.


4. Transformational Leadership: This style of leadership focuses on inspiring employees to strive for excellence and to think outside the box. This leadership style is best used when there is a need to motivate employees or to encourage them to take ownership of their work.


5. Servant Leadership: This type of leadership is focused on providing employees with the resources and support they need to achieve their goals. This style is best used when employees need guidance and support to reach their goals.